Promotor recent editions natura festival
300 à 1200 people
Promotor the only Psychotrop Festival with Dino Psaras (UK) and Neuromotor (FR)
350 people
Promotor first Earthdance partys in Québec
150 à 700 people
Promotor the biggest party on the beach of Zipolite - Résident DJ at Iguana Azul Café
500 people
Co-promotor first editions natura festival
*** First psychedelic festival in Québec
300 to 1200 people
Co-promotor for the trance stage
*** X-dream first coming
8000 people
Promotor the first ever memorable psychedelic gathering on the Canadian east coast PSYCHOTROP with first coming : Absolum, Talamasca, Wizzy Noise, Dino Psaras, Jaïa, Bhrama and Nick Taylor
150 to 1000 people
300 people
250 people
150 à 250 people
Co-Production for trance stage at Mont Radar One
*** 12 hours JEFF MK-ULTRA DJ SET
4000 people
Co-production for the first coming in Québec of The Infinity Project with DJ Nick Taylor et Bhrama for decoration
850 people
Co-Production for an unforgettable party near paris with DJ's Tsuyoshi Suzuki, Paul Jackson, Dino Psaras and TV presenter Marusha from Germany.
1000 people
Co-production one of the first big rave in France with "Fabrice Rackam"
*** Raja Ram first coming in 1992
700 to 1200 people